Isaiah 8: 23 - 9: 3
Psalm 27: 1, 4, 13-14
1 Corinthians 1: 10-13, 17
Matthew 4: 12-23
How do you respond to uncertainty? In the Gospel this week, Jesus' cousin John, the one to whom Jesus went to mark the beginning of his public ministry (and of whom Jesus was probably a follower), has been arrested (soon to face the fate of most effective prophets). In Matthew's account, John's arrest happens immediately after Jesus' 40 days of temptation in the desert, time during which he clarified the nature of his own mission.
I'd venture that it was as a result of that time of reflection that gave Jesus the courage and motivation for his reaction to John's arrest. He didn't go into hiding. On the contrary, he moved to a bigger town (Capernaum) and began to gather followers of his own. Convinced of the truth of his message, Jesus begins the process of transforming the world, person by person. And for those fishermen to drop their nets and change their lives from a simple yet clear invitation, there must have been some hole in their spirit and/or something deeply attractive about Jesus.
The story of the Gospel is about real people. It tells us how God's love for us, encountered in a special way through the person of Jesus, can call us --- not so much OUT of ourselves--- as INTO our true selves.
- Who in your life is an inspiration, who cause you to want to be your best self?
- When have you felt called to change your life? Why? Where did/do you find support?
- In what ways can you help Jesus 'catch people' ?
The next Inquiry session is Tuesday, January 28.
The final Mystagogia Session will be Sunday, February 9.
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