2 Samuel 5: 1-3
Psalm 122: 1-5
Colossians 1: 12-20
Luke 23: 35-43
It is jarring to switch from the triumphalistic title of today's solemn feast (can't you even hear the royal brass blaring?) to the crucifixion scene in this week's Gospel. And indeed, the early Christians had to grapple with the absurdity that the one they proclaimed as Messiah had been executed as a criminal. The resolution, of course, is in the glorious reality of Jesus Christs' victory over the ultimate foe-- even death is not strong enough to defeat God.
Jesus, the 'image of the invisible God', the head of the Church, the Body of Christ.... the one who leads us to eternal life because of the power of love. As we move toward the new liturgical year and into the season of Advent, we begin to reflect on the incarnation (God's desire to be one with us made flesh in Jesus) and on the second coming of Jesus as well. As Christians, we follow Jesus' example of loving service and sacrifice, knowing that by doing so, we become more fully the person God created us to be: a man or woman made in the Divine image and likeness. As we acclaim the dignity and sovereignty of the Lord, we can't help but evaluate how well we as the Body of Christ are living as the Body of Christ.
The Catechumenate meets this Sunday.
Inquiry may meet this Tuesday evening.
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