Psalm 145: 1011, 15-18
Ephesians 4: 1-6John 6: 1-15
The hand of the Lord feeds us;
he answers all our needs.
The psalm response for this weekend sums it up fairly well. In John's Gospel we recall a miraculous feeding of thousands; their physical hunger is more than satisfied. And yet, what drew so many into the countryside? Certainly, a variety of hungers. Some craving proximity to the latest newsmaker (have you heard about all those healings?!), some out of a deep curiosity, some from an insistent longing for meaning. They didn't follow Jesus looking for a meal, and yet that is what they got!
Many scriptures scholars and preachers have pointed out the Eucharistic symbolism in this Gospel, and rightly so- John includes important details (it is nearly Passover, Jesus gave thanks and distributed the food) that would have caused his audience to make connections with the Last Supper. This passage also has important parallels to the story of Elijah feeding 100 people with twenty barley loaves and grain. Elijah, the great prophet- and Jesus' power is yet demonstrably stronger (feeding 5,000+ with 5 barley loaves and 2 fish). His inquiry of Phillip (who was from the area and would have known where to go for supplies) simply served to underscore the magnitude of this miracle - nearly a year's salary to satisfy the crowd!
- For what do you hunger?
- What do you want from Jesus?
- Have you prayed about these needs?
That is also the date of the next Mystagogia session.
Inquiry is on August 14.
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