Today is the feast of St. Ignatius, the founder of the Jesuit order. Have you noticed that some priests and most sisters have initials after their names? Those designate which order (group) they belong to. For instance, our pastor is Fr. David Fitzgerald, S.A. - which stands for "Society of Atonement" one of the many varieties of Franciscans (who were founded by St. Francis). The Jesuits are "S.J.", which stand for "Society of Jesus".
Would you like to learn more about St. Ignatius? Here's a nine minute video that will help!
Who Cares About the Saints?...Ignatius from Loyola Productions on Vimeo.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Seventeeth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Psalm 145: 1011, 15-18
Ephesians 4: 1-6John 6: 1-15
The hand of the Lord feeds us;
he answers all our needs.
The psalm response for this weekend sums it up fairly well. In John's Gospel we recall a miraculous feeding of thousands; their physical hunger is more than satisfied. And yet, what drew so many into the countryside? Certainly, a variety of hungers. Some craving proximity to the latest newsmaker (have you heard about all those healings?!), some out of a deep curiosity, some from an insistent longing for meaning. They didn't follow Jesus looking for a meal, and yet that is what they got!
Many scriptures scholars and preachers have pointed out the Eucharistic symbolism in this Gospel, and rightly so- John includes important details (it is nearly Passover, Jesus gave thanks and distributed the food) that would have caused his audience to make connections with the Last Supper. This passage also has important parallels to the story of Elijah feeding 100 people with twenty barley loaves and grain. Elijah, the great prophet- and Jesus' power is yet demonstrably stronger (feeding 5,000+ with 5 barley loaves and 2 fish). His inquiry of Phillip (who was from the area and would have known where to go for supplies) simply served to underscore the magnitude of this miracle - nearly a year's salary to satisfy the crowd!
- For what do you hunger?
- What do you want from Jesus?
- Have you prayed about these needs?
That is also the date of the next Mystagogia session.
Inquiry is on August 14.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Here are the readings for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time,
July 22, 2012:
July 22, 2012:
Psalm 23: 1-6
Ephesians 2: 13-18
Mark 6: 30-34
Do you find it easy to identify with the events in the Gospel this week? Remember, last Sunday we heard about Jesus sending the apostles out in pairs, trusting in the hospitality of the villages they visited, and told to heal and preach. Now, they've reconvened and Jesus is trying to find a bit of privacy to help them reflect on/debrief their experiences. Those of you with small children can probably identify with the feelings of trying to get just enough time to eat, or even take a shower!
The next Inquiry session is Tuesday, July 24 at 7:00pm.
The Mystagogia group next meets on August 12.
Do you find it easy to identify with the events in the Gospel this week? Remember, last Sunday we heard about Jesus sending the apostles out in pairs, trusting in the hospitality of the villages they visited, and told to heal and preach. Now, they've reconvened and Jesus is trying to find a bit of privacy to help them reflect on/debrief their experiences. Those of you with small children can probably identify with the feelings of trying to get just enough time to eat, or even take a shower!
- Why do you think the people were so insistent on being around Jesus?
- How did Jesus react?
- How do you react when 'just one more thing' delays your 'me time'?
The next Inquiry session is Tuesday, July 24 at 7:00pm.
The Mystagogia group next meets on August 12.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Here are the readings for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time,
July 15, 2012:
July 15, 2012:
Psalm 85: 9-14
Ephesians 1: 3-14
Mark 6: 7-13
What do you notice about Jesus' instructions to his apostles as he sends them off on mission? It seems to me that he's giving them good advice for successful ministry among strangers. Go in pairs- both for mutual support and encouragement and to keep each other accountable to the mission. Don't overpack- take the basics, but if you are self-sufficient, how will you be open to people helping YOU (and in the process, establishing relationships, which are the basis for conversion). Stay in one place- be content, don't waste your energies by comparing potential accommodations and amenities. Hospitality was strongly valued in this culture, and by the apostles putting themselves in a place of vulnerability by needing the hospitality of strangers, the all-too-human tendency to regard the other as inferior could be diminished.
- Is there someone you are feeling called to share the Good News of the Gospel with now?
- If so, how might you approach them, in light of today's Scripture?
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