Thursday, March 8, 2012

Third Sunday of Lent

Here are the readings for the Third Sunday of Lent, March 11, 2012:

Exodus 20: 1-17 
Psalm 19: 8-11
1 Corinthians 1: 22-25
John 2: 13-25

What an interesting Gospel today: Jesus, the reconciler, riling up the temple marketplace! The moneychangers were actually performing a helpful service- exchanging the Roman and other local coins that had images of emperors or pagan symbols for money that could be accepted as an offering. (But--- were they being fair and honest in their trade?)
What made him so angry? Were people so caught up in the temple business trade that they ignored the purpose of the temple itself, the worship of God?

The Exodus reading gives us the Ten Commandments, and two of the first three deal with not having false gods and the reminder to keep the sabbath holy.
  • Are there things (money, celebrity, acquisitions) that have taken over first place  in your heart from God?
  • Do you dedicate time every week to thank God for all your blessings, to rest and pray and be recharged in your faith, your relationships, your physical being? If not, might there be some way to re-prioritize whatever it is that keeps you "busy"?
Due to some scheduling adjustments, the Penitential Rite for our candidates for full communion will be celebrated during the 9:30am Mass this Sunday. (Usually on the 2nd Sunday of Lent)

Please remember to set your clocks ahead one hour this Saturday night before you go to sleep!

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