Thursday, September 1, 2011

Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time

Here are the readings for the Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time, September 4, 2011:

Ezekiel 33: 7-9
Psalm 95: 1-2, 6-9
Romans 13: 8-10
Matthew 18: 15-20

Religion and relationship come from the same root words, and the one for religion, religare, means 'to bind together'. These readings underscore for us that the nature of our lived faith is in relationship- with God AND with one another. 

Let's be clear: Catholicism is not a 'Jesus and me' proposition--- we are a communal people- strangers who become brothers and sisters, formed into the Body of Christ though our baptism. Catholics in the United States have to get past the typical American rugged individualism, self-made man (woman) stereotype and remember that by our religious faith we are responsible for and to one another. We are bound to one another in community, in communion.

Here's the good news- it means we don't have to figure out this discipleship thing alone! We've got lots of people to help us by their example, prayers and words, as well as the sacraments of the Church to constantly remind us of God's limitless love for us.

Here's the challenge - sometimes that's going to require admitting that we've been wrong and asking forgiveness. Sometimes that gong to entail finding the kind and loving way to suggest to another that they may benefit from a change of heart or action. Sometimes -- it's just hard to know what to do or say!

Perhaps it helps to remember from the second reading, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself", and from the Gospel, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.", and use those as a starting point.
  • When has it been challenging to love someone?
  • Has someone ever persuaded you to change, out of their love for you? How did you feel, and what effect did it have on your relationship?

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