Thursday, October 1, 2009

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

While we will be using the readings for the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi at all the masses this Sunday, our RCIA catechetical session will still be based mainly on the lectionary readings for the 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time. They are:

Genesis 2: 18-24
Psalm 128 : 1-6
Hebrews 2: 9-11
Mark 10: 2-16

The topics for this week's session will be Marriage, Divorce and Annulment.
Thoughts for reflection:
  • In what ways does God's love "grace" your marriage and/or friendships?
  • What gifts do you bring to your relationships?

1 comment:

  1. I am very interested in the discussion about annulment. I never paid attention to this as a child in the church, but I learned when I got married that this is an option, that my parents had received an annulment (with 2 children) and remarried in the church. I am not sure I understand the church view of annulment vs. the legal view. I very much look forward to this topic, too, because I have been married for 16 happy years and always look for ways to bring more to my relationship. Thanks for this blog! It is awesome! Where were you when I was a teen Catholic???
