Jeremiah 33: 14-16
Psalm 25: 4-5, 8-10, 14
1 Thessalonians 3: 12- 4: 2
Luke 21: 25-28, 34-36
Happy New Year!
With this Sunday, we begin a new Liturgical Year... Cycle C of the Scripture Readings (we'll hear mostly from Luke's Gospel this year), and we begin a new season: Advent. If you're not too sure what Advent is all about, please watch the two minute video in the previous post... and have your sound on, for the full effect!
The Gospel, however, seems to continue the theme of the last few weeks- the ones heralding the end of the liturgical year and looking ahead to the end of time. So let's take our cue form the first two readings and the psalm, as a means of preparing for the coming of Jesus- not only in our commemoration of his birth at Christmas, but in his second coming.
- What do these readings tell us abut how to live, so as to prepare for a joyful eternity with God?
- What do we learn from these readings about the qualities of God, qualities that we- made in God's image and likeness- might take our cues from for our own way of being?
The topic for the Catechumenate session is Advent and the Liturgical Year.