Here are the readings for the Palm/Passion Sunday, April, 2012:
Procession: Mark 11: 1-10
Isaiah 50: 4-7
Psalm 22: 8-9, 17-20, 23-24
Philippians 2: 6-11
Mark 14:1 -15: 47
And so it begins: our holiest week of the year, when in our liturgies we are invited to enter even more deeply, more physically as well as spiritually, into the Paschal Mystery. If only for a week, our priorities shift: we stop checking our watches and let the services flow, we find ourselves standing for long proclamations of the passion, kneeling again and again, having feet washed, approaching the cross with reverent love, and gathering outside in the dark around a fire as finally, finally, we come to experience once again Christ's victory over sin and death.
It is a story that can not be rushed. Nor can it be abridged or sanitized. Because this is not only the story of Jesus from Nazareth; it is our story, too.
As we prepare for the feast of Easter, please hold in prayer Casandra our Elect, and our candidates for full communion: Allen, Anna, Emma, Grace, Jamie, Jodie, Karen and Tonya. St. Andrew's is blessed by their presence and faith.