... because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
Sitting in the service this afternoon, I watched as row after row of men, women and children came forward to venerate the cross. It took a long time. I had no idea the church was that full!
I was struck by the image of every individual there drawn toward this symbol of our salvation. Every one of us, pulled by our own particular knowledge of how Jesus has saved us... every one of us saved by the overpowering love of God. And what else can we do, but demonstrate our love, our gratitude, our profound awareness of Christ's strength healing our weaknesses with a bow, a genuflection, a touch, a kiss?
And yet all of us individuals come to the one cross. Our gesture is one of worship, not of convenience: no multiple cross stations, please!! Christ's saving sacrifice was offered once for all people, and as a people we come together in shared faith and praise--- our individual stories united by our common baptism into the Body of Christ.
As the Easter Vigil quickly approaches, you who have journeyed through the RCIA this past year will at last share with us at the Eucharistic table. May the Body and Blood of Christ sustain and strengthen you in your ongoing journey AS the body of Christ, continuing the mission of Jesus in your daily life! Brothers and sisters, let us pray for one another.
What are YOUR enduring images from the services of the Triduum?
Friday, April 22, 2011
The Holy Triduum
We are in the midst of the holiest days of the Church year, recalling over these three days (Tri-duum) the story of our salvation in Jesus Christ.
I encourage you to refer to these daily posts as you prepare to celebrate the Easter Vigil:

Holy Thursday Post
Good Friday Post
Easter Vigil Post
I encourage you to refer to these daily posts as you prepare to celebrate the Easter Vigil:

Holy Thursday Post
Good Friday Post
Easter Vigil Post
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Palm/Passion Sunday
Here are the readings for Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion, April 17, 2011:
Matthew 21: 1-11
Isaiah 50: 4-7
Psalm 22: 8-9, 17-20, 23-24
Philippians 2: 6-11
Matthew 26: 14 - 27: 66
The Scripture today is rich in vibrant images:
palms waving as the crowds cheer Jesus, humility, an intimate Passover Meal, betrayal, denial and desertion, a kiss, a sword, silence, "Hail, King of the Jews!", crucifixion, darkness, curtain torn, entombment.
This week, as we continue our preparations for the Easter Sacraments, walk with eyes and ears open to the many images of the Triduum, consider how Jesus' story affects your own, and be secure in the knowledge of the depth of God's love for you.
Elect and candidates, your faith community holds you in prayer in a very special way during these most holy days.
We will dismiss (the last one!!) from the 9:30am mass this week, with a session until 11:30am, as usual.
Matthew 21: 1-11
Isaiah 50: 4-7
Psalm 22: 8-9, 17-20, 23-24
Philippians 2: 6-11
Matthew 26: 14 - 27: 66
The Scripture today is rich in vibrant images:
palms waving as the crowds cheer Jesus, humility, an intimate Passover Meal, betrayal, denial and desertion, a kiss, a sword, silence, "Hail, King of the Jews!", crucifixion, darkness, curtain torn, entombment.
This week, as we continue our preparations for the Easter Sacraments, walk with eyes and ears open to the many images of the Triduum, consider how Jesus' story affects your own, and be secure in the knowledge of the depth of God's love for you.
Elect and candidates, your faith community holds you in prayer in a very special way during these most holy days.
We will dismiss (the last one!!) from the 9:30am mass this week, with a session until 11:30am, as usual.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Here are the readings for the 5th Sunday in Lent, April 10, 2011:
Ezekiel 37: 12-14
Psalm 130: 1-8
Romans 8: 8-11
John 11: 1-45
The Third Scrutiny and Presentation of the Lord's Prayer will be at the 11:30 Mass this Sunday, followed by a session that ends at 1pm.
Ezekiel 37: 12-14
Psalm 130: 1-8
Romans 8: 8-11
John 11: 1-45
This scrutiny and its scriptural texts are about life, an authentic life promised us by God that even the grave cannot take away as it claims our mortal remains. This is about the effects of sin, deadly sin, that entomb us and this world. This is about a Savior who weeps for us because he does not come to condemn us but to redeem us. This is about the voice of Christ, who calls us forth into a life that triumphs over sin and death and Satan's pride. This is about love, divine love and how it names us as friends, brothers and sisters, a family of mercy and fullness.
.....Lazarus becomes an icon for each believer who is loved deeply by Christ. This saving love bids us come out from the tomb of sin and death. This saving love commands that all restraints holding us back from fullness of life be unbound. This saving love gives to the Church sacraments that lift us up to everlasting life.
-Celebrating the Rites (Foundations in Faith)
The Third Scrutiny and Presentation of the Lord's Prayer will be at the 11:30 Mass this Sunday, followed by a session that ends at 1pm.
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