Thursday, September 27, 2012

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Here are the readings for the Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time,
September 30, 2012:

Numbers 11: 25-29
Psalm 19: 8, 10, 12-14
James 5: 1-6
Mark 9: 38-43, 45, 47-48

The second half of today's Gospel is one of those that can leave us scratching our heads. That's a bit harsh, isn't it, Jesus? Jesus, as good teacher and storyteller, was not afraid of hyperbole and exaggeration to get his point across (he did hang out with fishermen, after all!). And what point was his trying to make there? Simply- following him has got to be our focus. And if our actions (hands) or path (foot) or influences (eye) are diverting our whole-hearted loyalty from him, we've got to remove that distraction.

The first part of this Sunday's Gospel pairs well with the first reading, from the Book of Numbers. In both accounts, people without the 'right credentials' are doing God's work, and confounding/annoying those 'in the club' in the process. Both Moses and Jesus remind their followers that it's not about competition, and as remind us that we can't dictate to God who will be called and gifted for service.
  • What are your particular gifts?
  • Have you ever felt constrained in using them?
  • What barriers do we (as a nation, neighborhood, church, coworker, etc) place in others' way that keep them from fully utilizing their gifts?
The topic for the Catechumenate this Sunday is Conscience Formation.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Here are the readings for the Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time,
September 23, 2012:

Wisdom 2: 12, 17-20
Psalm 54: 3-6, 8
James 3: 16 - 4: 3
Mark 9: 30-37

Jesus can sometimes be soooo confusing!  Can't you imagine the apostles arching an eyebrow at each other at the end of today's Gospel?   In their time and culture, children had no status- they'd be the last ones fed, the last ones thought about, and certainly not indulged as anything special.  So why would Jesus use a child as an example of hospitality? What could a child possibly offer in return? And this whole 'first shall be last' deal? That's not the way to get ahead, Jesus!

How are we to make sense of this wisdom of God, which often seems so at odds with how we just know it all works in the world? What might it look like to be devoted to Jesus with the singleness of purpose of a faithful servant?  Is last week's image of 'losing yourself in Jesus' (like in watching a football game!) helpful at all?

  • In what concrete ways do you serve another person, because of your faith?
  • When have you recognized another person treated you with more kindness, respect and mercy than you felt you deserved?
The topic for this Sunday's Catechumenate is Works of Mercy.
Congratulations to Bryon and Nina whose infant daughter Lilly will be baptized this Sunday at the 9:30am Mass!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Here are the readings for the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time,
September 16, 2012:

Isaiah 50: 5-9a
Psalm 114:1-6, 8-9
James 2: 14-18
Mark 8: 27-35

In his book "Catholic Prayer", Lawrence Cunningham makes the distinction between 'believing that' and 'believing in'. Essentially, he boils it down to this:
You can, for instance, assent to a fact or theory, "I believe that there are 50 states in the United States of America." Nice to know, but does it have much impact on your life?
But when you believe in someone or some thing- well, that has implications, doesn't it? From the trivial trust in the local weather forecaster that guides you to carry an umbrella when rain is predicted, to the life-giving, life-altering belief in God, in whom we live and move and have our being. Believing in entails giving our very hearts to the subject of our trust.

The readings this weekend speak of faith, of walking in the pathways of God, of good words turned to concrete action.
  • In whom or what do you believe?
  • How would you finish this sentence, "I believe in God, who...."
  • How would you finish this followup sentence, "Because of this belief, I ....)
The topic for the Catechumenate this Sunday is Faith Professed.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Here are the readings for the Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time,
September 9, 2012:

Isaiah 35: 4-7a
Psalm 146: 7-10
James 2: 1-5
Mark 7: 31-37

  • What do Jesus' actions in the Gospel tell you about God? 
  • Is God remote and aloof?
  • Do our bodies and our challenges matter to God?
  • What does that entail for our lives as Christians, followers of Christ?
Mystagogia will meet this Sunday in CARE Room 212 at 10:45am.
The topic for the Cathechumenate this week is Catholic Social Teaching.
The Inquiry session this Tuesday, September 11 will begin with the 7pm prayer service in the Church.